Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | October 20, 2016

Oxitec Uses “Nonprofit” Group to Fund $100,000 Ad Campaign.

Intrexon, the owner of GMO mosquito vendor Oxitec, has spent $100,000 funding a local advertising campaign including printed brochures and radio advertisements designed to sway the upcoming GMO mos…

Source: Oxitec Uses “Nonprofit” Group to Fund $100,000 Ad Campaign.

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | December 31, 2015

2015 another year – Push Play!


Well here we are again looking back to all the accomplishments for 2015! What a year it was.. Great year, great memories in Activism!  Let’s push Play!!

January 2015:

Great month! New Year. A 3 day event waited for us in Miami. Kirsten Massebeau visited from Oregon and arrived on my birthday and we went to Miami to make some noise.


Miami or Bust! The 5th annual Positive Change for Taiji event: Positive change for Taiji in Miami at the Consulate of Japan on January 15!

Positive Change for Taiji Miami 2015


January 16, 2015.. Wonderful event we also attended! Jerry Powers – Saving Lolita Jerry Powers Opens an Exhibition of Painting at Swampspace Gallery. Swampspace is thrilled to present-JERRY POWERS – SAVING LOLITA! Recent Paintings focused on the effort to Save Lolita, a national campaign to improve conditions of whales in captivity.

On Saturday, January 17, 2015 the March for Lolita was also on our agenda, we attended that for a few hours. protested for another few at the gates of the Miami SeaQuarium and then had to get ready for the evening event we were hosting: Light up the Night for Lolita! A great evening fund-raiser benefiting Ric O’Barry Dolphin Project and The Orca Network!

light up the night with peggy and lincoln

This evening was filled with stars  that came out to be with us. Jane Velez Mitchell and Robbyn Kaamil and Zach Affolter young up and coming activist. 10884939_10205559011033005_779618873_n


Jane-Velez Mitchell at the march for Lolita





Ric Skyped with us from Japan My sponsors came through! I WAS GOING TO TAIJI! Thank you to Cynthia St. Clair and to Mila deMier for their kind sponsorship and also to my great friends that helped me raise additional funds through the purchase of my silver dolphin bracelet and jewelry!

It was an honored to receive a “Flipper Award”, presented by Miami Against Dolphin Slaughter!



March 2015

We lost a great activist for the animals, Sam Simon passed on March 8, 2015. Our activist world feels the loss of a great man. RIP Sam Simon we love you!

Attended several protest at the Miami SeaQuarium though out the year!

September 1-7, 2015 Thank you to my #MiamiLocals4Lolita that came through for me and did an outstanding job in Miami while I was in Taiji. That must have confused the heck out at the Embassy!

Thanking the great team at Save the Blood Dolphins and Champions for Cetaceans for a job well done. Without the Support of Head administrator Kirsten Massebeau this great work could not have been done. Please make sure you visit our sister page:


Read my blog of my stay in Taiji:


October 16, 2015

Protesting Downtown Ocala.. another newspaper article for my life journal!

Ocala Star

October 24-25 monitor for the bears. One of the most horrific hunts in the state occurred on these dates.



Please listen and follow our Radio Shows… Many guest on our Blog Talk Radio for 2015 “Dolphin Talk Radio” we will have a banner upcoming year for 2016!

Its been a wonderful year. Next year it will be even better.  Be the change you want to be in the world!

make it happen

Don’t forget to come and like my page: Blue Cove Dance!


Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | December 21, 2015

Activism Cannibalism! What is it?


CWs1TUbUAAAG3mw There is so much discord in the animal activist world. Yet no matter how many tools you give them to make a difference to help animals they ultimately lash out without direction because of their inability to deal with the deep grief, helplessness and anger brought on by an inability to find resolution for their feelings. Hence they lash out at others who are fighting for the very same cause. Therefore they chase their own tail or they verbally attack others.


Spending a week in Taiji was not easy. Yet I see many of my friends angry and lashing out to all of those that are standing there and reporting.  While I was there I was grateful that there were no Red coves and I would give anything right now to be there helping to document with my fellow activists.

My dear friend, Cove Monitor Tim Burns has devoted his time and Christmas Holiday to document dolphin capture and slaughter in the cove. A father with a wife and small children who need him. Tim and his family are making the ultimate sacrifice. There is nothing glamorous or in the “holiday spirit” documenting the capture and slaughter of dolphins in the cove. It is heartbreaking and takes a truly brave soul.

Its almost Christmas time. Yet he chooses to be in Taiji to document and bring out the images of the real Taiji. The murders that occur in Taiji.  My heart breaks for his family and daughter who is about 8 years old and needs the security of her father.

Yet some people have the audacity of calling them inefficient, selfie-takers and not doing anything to “really” help the dolphins. Many say.. ” I would be there in a heart beat and I would go and cut the nets and I would scale down into the water at night and  I would cut the nets free the dolphins! ”

Even if you cut the nets the dolphin pod mentality will not flee from the cove. On the contrary they will move further into the shoreline and the noise they make will alert those that are watching the cove, specially at night. They would not know how to escape out of the cove, they don’t leave a pod, family member behind. The police box is across the cove. police guard the cove day and night.



Someone is always watching you

Think again before you decide to do this. Not only would you be arrested but you would be thrown in jail in a New York nano-second.  Not have a lawyer see you for 6 months, (from the time of your arrest) but you also would destroy all the hard work of those that came before you if you did this. Whether you agree with this/that organization or not. You will be sleeping in a cold concrete floor, told when you can urinate, defecate, shower or even move. Never mind having visitor or getting an attorney to take your case. You can read all about being arrested in Taiji. here: Jailed dolphin activist ordered released but prosecutors disagree  and Arrested Sea Shepherd stands trial  



The Cove

Now I ask you before you force your views on others, if you feel that the “boots on the ground” need to do this to satisfy your inadequacy. Think again. Its very easy to watch this from the comfort of your home and spew vile comments that you think you can do better. Oh, by the way,


Welcome to Taiji

everyone that enters Taiji, specially between Sept. 1st – March 1st will be scrutinized and asked to come to the police box. Once you pass the dolphins you are in the town of Taiji. When you least expect it, they will stop your car  or come to your hotel room, a knock on the door. There are no “freedoms” as you would expect in other countries or your own country.


But just  what is “Activist cannibalism syndrome” you ask?.  Its a “term”  that  I use when  activists start to fight other activist.

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Generally, this syndrome pops its head when there are dolphins in the cove. When dolphins are herded and slaughtered in the cove. People’s emotional mentality grows and it forces our inner most feeling to do something. Anything!

Symptoms: When in-fighting with other activist, those that feel emotions as the occurrences that happen any time there is an animal hurt injured. Also anger, impotence, sadness, crying, depression and fear.


Is it contagious? Yes its very contagious if you allow other to push your buttons and entice you into doing something that is against the law or to your own person or to hurt others.  Specially when in group mentality setting or mob mentality.

mob mentality

How is it transmitted? it is transmitted when you are in groups without an exact person to teach you or give you tools to do what is necessary to help an animal in need  or to give you direction for the feelings you are feeling.

“Every time people get together in a group, and there are some group characteristics that increase the likelihood of violence, such as group size and physical anonymity. First, many people believe they cannot be held responsible for violent behavior when part of a mob because they perceive the violent action as the group’s (e.g., “everyone was doing it”) rather than their own behavior. When in a large group, people tend to experience a diffusion of responsibility.”

It’s entirely up to each one of us to choose how to direct our mind, body and feelings towards the future. All the changes in our society begins with a small group of decisive individuals.

The question is never simply if you are following the crowd or not, it’s why. Be the change you want to be. The change you want to see in the world!

We can only do this by working together.



Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | October 24, 2015

I stand with Ric as a Cove Monitor


After watching the Cove in 2009 I was moved to start spreading awareness of the plight of the Taiji dolphins.
For the last 5 years promoting the great work of Ric O’Barry and Dolphin Project the opportunity presented for me to go to Taiji, Japan came true.
On August 29 the adventure begins starting at Tampa International Airport to board a plane towards Japan to become a Cove Monitor. Landing in Hawaii was my first leg of the trip. A reservation was made at Waikiki Hilton overnight, thanks to a great friend this layover in Hawaii was so needed after a full day of flight, from Tampa to Ft. Worth, then LA to Honolulu. Traveling back in time and jumping a day forward somewhere!


Aloha Hawaii.

Not wanting to waste any time in Hawaii, I woke up early with excitement, who could sleep?  Looking out the window and walking out to the balcony I could see native Hawaiian canoes heading out over the reef. Donned on my bathing suit and headed down to the beach. The water temperature was tolerable and beckons me to enter as Diamond Head watch from a distance. The reefs in front broke some of the swells.  The water felt wonderful not as cold as I expected, wading  in and diving under a small wave to wet my hair the visibility was clear. The water seemed saltier than the Atlantic Ocean. I walked out and sat down  for a bit,meditated, communing with Mother Ocean and thank her and my daughter for a safe trip so far.


My corner room, second floor.


Diamond Head, Hawaii


Laying on Waikiki Beach, Hawaii. Who knew?

Flight to Osaka Japan was pressuring me to get back to the hotel, shower and get ready for my trip to the airport. At the lobby of the hotel, checked in with a shuttle company and purchased my fare to the airport, hoping to catch some of the views of Hawaii. No time for sightseeing, flight would depart at 2:25pm to Osaka, 2nd leg of the trip.

Honolulu to Osaka- August 30- 31, 2015
My flight on Hawaiian air was long.  A young child sitting behind me that kept hitting my seat and playing with the drop down table. The stewardess asks that we all close the curtains on the windows which made it so much nicer and it brings a restful atmosphere. I prayed that the little one will soon settle down. Everyone did finally rest after dinner.  Nine hours later we land in Osaka, Japan. After filling out immigration and custom forms and going through customs I finally exhaled a big breath of relief. Japan welcomes me.    Let the adventure begin!
After exchanging my dollars to yen, I took a shuttle train to the mainland and anxiously I walk toward the Washington Hotel in Osaka. Arriving at 6:15pm  missing the last train to Kii-Katsuura, no more trains running for today, a reservation was made to spend the night in Osaka prior to my landing in Japan.


My view in the morning. 9th floor.

My 9th story room was small but clean. I proceeded to drop my luggage and head back downstairs. I had notice a small store where I could buy bottled water. I was so exhausted and excited I could not eat. Proceeded to shower, relax, touch base with family in US and inform everyone that I was well. My ankles and right knee were swollen and while Skyping with friends I happen to put them up on wall. Oh, the joys of flying! Having to catch the earliest train to Katsuura I shut down and slept well in the small cozy room. Morning comes fast.

Osaka to Kii-Katsuura – September 1, 2015
Walking at a fast pace to the train station from the Washington Hotel, I wanted to purchase my train ticket. “Reserved seat – right side of train, window seat.” I kept remembering this as Terran and Tim had informed me to experience the coastal side of the trip. I’m anxious to get to my destination. My team would be heading to the Cove for opening day ceremony; I would be arriving late!
The train stations in Japan are all bilingual and all the conductors speak minimal English but are kind and helpful. Train transfer from local to express was supposed to switch trains in Wakayama from local to express. I didn’t. The conductor sees that I am still in the train and requests my ticket. I kindly show it to him and he mentions, must run, wrong train and catch the express which was at another track.
He calls out to the office at the station and I guess they communicate with the express train via radio as he proceeds to pick up my luggage and we start running down the stairs. Through a walk way tunnel, no time for elevator! As we run up the stairs he starts to struggle with my luggage. I say to him not knowing if he understood; “Yes I also packed a bathtub in there!” always trying to make light of a tough situation, picked up the back of the luggage. Suddenly feeling my self being pulled; I have to do my best to keep up.
He puts me at the door of the train and I compose myself, thank goodness that train was empty, I find my seat in front what seemed to be two business man speaking and laughing in Japanese.

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I made myself comfortable and relaxed for a 3 hour trip. But wait I forgot breakfast! Pulling out an energy health bar only to find out it was full of all kinds of seeds of which I ate only half. This should keep me going until I get to Katsuura.

Japan’s coast line is so breathtaking, pictures don’t do it justice. The hills full of bamboo and trees and the shore line lined with big rocks protruding out a small distance from the shore looking like a fine piece of art. Breathtaking!
We continue to ride through little towns with homes filled quaint Japanese architecture and manicured trees. Some properties had gardens, some fruit trees, many had rice paddies.

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With rice crops that seemed to be at different growth length. Japan has many tunnels we ride through, Japan is full of hills and mountains. No wonder they rely on the ocean for food. Not much flat land to plant crops and I did see some on some hills but wondered about the raining season and landslides.
As we start to get closer to Taiji, a large wind turbine appears. Not only one but several giants are slowly spinning producing wind energy. This too caught my eye. It showed that some of Japan is progressing to wind energy and maybe one day the nuclear plants will be obsolete.

Fukushima comes to mind, watching the coast line and seeing lots of wreckage of trees that have fallen and maybe even could it be that this may be remnants of the tsunami? My heart aches knowing that this wonderful ocean came in and destroy thousands of lives. I shake those sad feeling and blues away and I kept saying to myself, “You need to do this; you have to continue this pilgrimage you started.” I watch the electronic sign that tells you what is the next station as the conductor speaks in to the train car speaker and announces in Japanese, the next station. Taiji! 20150901_162956Taiji? Am I not staying in Taiji? I start to wonder but the next station after that is Katsuura, my destination. I watch in amazement as we pass by the Taiji station. There are murals of dolphins and whales announcing what would be the Taiji Whale Museum or Dolphin Resort. I stayed on the train. My destination waits.

Kii-Katsuura next station comes over the speakers. Once again I start feeling excitement, my friends will be there waiting for me. Can’t wait to finally meet Vickie Kiely, her kids,  Wendy  Baylor, Maria Nangle, Kery Shaw, I already knew Tim Burn and Terran. The trains stops at the station  walking towards the exit, waiting to hear Vicki’s voice but I don’t hear or see her.  Where is everyone? Something was not right! Asking one of the conductors how to get to the Charmant Hotel? They point and tell me in Japanese where it is. Following the direction The Charmant Hotel appears.Its just a few steps ( half a block) from the train station.

The Charmant Hotel has a quaint little yellow front entrance having seen pictures, its half way down on the left on the main street that ends at the station. There is no one at the check-in desk; check in time is at 3pm. There are lockers and Wi-Fi available the signs says with password too! Yes! WI-FI!! Proceeding to store my luggage and start trying to communicate with the team. The rooms are either western or ryokan. I preferred a western room.
Finally Vicki Kiely respondsto my text! Seems that some of the team was arrested! Ric was arrested and she and Maria Nangle were being interrogated.  She tells me to go and walk down the street toward the water there is a ferry boat, get on it and go to the Uroshima Hotel where Wendy & Terran Baylor and  she with the kids are staying.
As I head towards the pier I see the ferry boats. I started to shake my head and wonder, if this is the ferry to take? Just as the Cove movie. The turtle and the Whale! Knowing from watching the Cove, again, I ask for directions. There is a man cleaning the floating dock and an arrow

20150901_122007 that says this side (left) for Uroshima Hotel.

After a half hour wait finally my boat comes in, we go across the bay to Uroshima Hotel. The water is so beautiful and I pass by a small temple with miniature pagoda.


Wendy comes down along with Vicki’s children, Imogen, Charlie and Ashley. Ashley came back from last year’s season as a mini-cove monitor. Feels like family although just meeting for the first time, Wendy and I hug,  embracing the children and enjoy talking with them we entertain ourselves doing the Cup song, Ashley  sings like an angel.
We sit and hang out at the lobby. Free WiFi again!  We wait for a while and hunger pangs are now hitting me bad I ask if there is anywhere we can get something to eat, as I was starving! We catch the ferry back and we head toward Dericious/Delicious. Tiny restaurant quaint with amazing food; Mushroom Pilaf and French Fries, the fries get a 10 from me.
After lunch we head back to the Charmant Hotel which is right around the corner and we sit there and wait to hear something from the Team. The team from Phuket Natasha Eldred and Khun My: Thareeya, Khun Tuk: Suthasinee comes to meet and greet and so grateful that we are all here to spread the message of Taiji. Kery Shaw also comes from her room.
We continue to wait at the Charmant, 3pm comes and I check in, drop my bags in room. Tim and Terran come back from the Police box and Tim helps to get my room air condition going. (the remote was all written in Japanese!)  My cozy little room was a bit stuffy and we head downstairs and head back to the ferry boat. Heading back to Uroshima Hotel.
We meet a young man, Tom Oosako at the pier. A Japanese student from Osaka, he wants to write articles about vegan style living as we wait at the Uroshima lobby to see what happens with the rest of the team. The rest of the team comes back from the Police in Shingu. They all have been put through the ringer but were safe. Ric was set up I’m told, he had passed the alcohol breathalyzer. He didn’t have his medications and after many hours of interrogation he asked to go to the hospital.  I worry for my friend.
The kids and I go into the temple at the door of the Uroshima. We give our alms and we write on the burning sticks that the monks burn in a ceremony. The kids and I pray for a safe and fast return of Ric.
It’s night time, we head for dinner at the Chinese Restaurant. They have these plates that are called “Vegan Set” and we sit down for dinner. We finished dinner and after a tiring day, we head to our rooms, shower and relax. We come across a Dragon boat.

Tomorrow and 4am comes quickly.  My second winds come in and I can’t sleep. Strange room, wondering about Ric and the rest of the team and what awaits us come morning. Funny Japanese show on TV relaxes me. We get word that Ric is released and I am less worried. Decided to pray and do some relaxation exercises and finally with the help of a sleeping aid. Sleep finally takes over. Deep slumber from a very exhausting day.
Osaka – Taiji – September 2-5, 2015
The alarm on my cell phone keeps ringing and I don’t hear it, a knock on the door .-its Kery, they are waiting for me. Some how over slept,  throw some clothes on  and splash water on my  face, brush teeth, quickly run down the stairs. Cars are waiting I jump in with Tim, I see Ric. My heart is happy, I smile and wave and give a thumbs up. We head toward the Taiji Harbor, the boats will set out to hunt today, the weather was perfect.
As we drive in lot there are many cars, media, they are all here to get a story. Paparazzi time! To spin a story about Ric. This would not be so bad if they would tell the truth. Guessing some of it gets lost in translation or as we know the media is very filtered in Japan. Its funny, if he walked down away from us a bit, all cameras are on him. With all the eyes on you the feeling is surreal. Now I understood what famous people feel with media surrounding them. Although these kept their distance and being Japanese they were polite. All eyes are on us along with the Taiji police.
Took a 360° video just to count.. 30 reporters more of less from different media outlets camera & crews.  This is all so surreal for me. We watch the boats depart for the open sea.

We wait around and some media did manage to speak to Terran. Tim takes me to the Taiji Police box. All activists need to register with the police. My passport is copied and was given instructions to read as to the do’s and don’ts. Carry your passport and driver’s license at all times on you, was informed.
We head out to the Tomyosaki Point to keep a look out on the banger boats.

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More media following us, between police, undercover and others we head out to the promontory point.  An ancient look out point used by Japanese whalers in the past.

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The banger boats come back empty handed and we celebrate with our first “Cove Blue Dance”. The energy of having Vicki Kiely and her children along with Ashley, Maria and the Korean delegation made the days at the cove interesting. children understood what captivity is about. We head to the cove as it is still running blue and we take PSA pictures. Nothing that can be written here can explain the feeling of the being at the beach of the Cove.



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Your mind wonders as you look towards the entrance of the killing cove. You hear the birds just as you heard it in the documentary. You don’t hear the dolphins screaming but you feel the energy of the lost lives that still linger there. Even in a great sunny day as this day. It’s still a somber day.

As I begin a blessing of the cove, asking the almighty Goddess Yemaya and Olokun, powerful goddesses and Orishas of the oceans to continue to protect those that come to fight for the dolphins and to keep all of her children, the angels of the sea away from the shores of Japan. As her daughter, an Orisha myself, asked for the permission of all the guardian angels that protect all of the humans present at this time as holy water was splashed at the center of the cove in front of a small cave. Prayers and thanks were also sent to my daughter; Hollis-Rae whose ashes are in the ocean and for the spirit of Susan Mabe whose ashes rest at the Cove. “May there be peace at the cove, may these atrocities continue to be reported by all media. It’s time for the Cove to be Forever Blue! It’s time for the slaughters to end. Namaste, Amen, Ache! ”

My mind starts to think again, thoughts of Susan, my daughter and the dolphins present and past those that may lose their lives here in the future. (This very spot is where that Risso dolphin came to strand in front of Ric.)
Generally, our days consisted of getting up early to be at the pier by 5am, watch the boats go out, but before heading to the point we went to the Circle-K and we purchased coffee and breakfast. Black car waits at the parking lot daily  Black car follows us every where in Taiji. After a while it does not matter anymore if the police are following you, they are there for your safety. We did find out Nationals were in Taiji, personally never saw them or heard them.

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After the boats came in empty during my stay in Taiji, we would dance to take away the worry, tension of waiting at look out point. We meet a group of activist from Korea, they are the delegation of the” Hot Pink Dolphins”. Amazing group and we hit it off well. We are all in the same team fighting for liberation of dolphins.


Tim Burns wears the pink hat.


Maria Nangle’s turn with the pink hat!

Language is no barrier, when love is in our hearts. We all took photos with their hats!
We proceeded to go and explore Japan on the Cove blue days; The Hashigui-iwa rocks were beautiful their little souvenir store sold whale meat in a can and dolphin meat in a vacuum sealed bag.


The label says whale..

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whale ham


vacuum sealed fish

We also visited Nachi Falls and the Kumano Hongū Taisha Shinto temple, prayed for the cove to be forever blue and the slaughters to end. We gave our donation and lit a bundle of incense but not before we clean our hands and mouth prior to entering the temple.


We, Kery and I give our alms and ring this huge gong.

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We also visit Shingu with their modern large stores of all kinds’ food and domestic product and awesome Curry Restaurant.
Day 6 – A visit to the Taiji Whale Museum.
After paying entrance fee, proceeded upstairs and went through the room where all the dolphin specimens are kept in large vials full of formaldehyde. My heart was beating fast, I knew what to expect and didn’t want to take to many pictures. My heart broke when I saw the dolphin fetus in a large flask he was a boy, umbilical cord still attached. My mind races, was he removed from a mom that was slaughtered at a drive? Was he still-born in prison? I told my brain to stop thinking. The feeling was entering a “Dante’s Inferno” where the souls of many dolphins continued to linger trying to find a restful everlasting sleep.

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My walk through the museum was fast as Vicki and the children were trying to record PSA’s at the outside dolphin pens. I took a quick walk to the show pool where people sit in an outside stadium to watch the dolphin show. The pools had dolphins that were restless and I searched for Hope and Faith, a pantropical pair of dolphins that were kept prisoner in the world’s smallest tank.

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I wait anxiously to see a dolphin’s head pop up thru the surface. I search the pool, my heart aching as I knew that this was all in vain. They were no longer there. Did they die or were they sold? My heart knew the truth, pantropical are pelagic dolphins that don’t do well in captivity. Their stay in that horrible little tank destroyed their soul and will to live. I leave with a hole in my heart as I now walk towards the sea pens.

The sea pens contain the pilot whales and the pied and albino Rissos. I couldn’t see them; my attention was caught by dolphins with their heads out of the water, and mouths open begging for food from the tourist.  I feel my legs weaken in that wobbly rickety floating cat walk. I just looked at the dolphins and try to speak, the only words spoken; I am so sorry.  Needing to leave that area before losing my step as many other tourists wanting to feed and see the dolphins, I made my way out from the sea pens. Shaken, biting my lips fighting to hold back the tears.

Heading toward what was the building where Angel and the rest of the dolphins are kept; there is a small shallow concrete pool by the door. Peering in there is a sting ray with the tail in bad shape, raw skin and bloodied. Wondering, how it got here and what was his/her story?

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Entering the building I can see straight ahead the glass tunnel, I look for Angel. There she is! She passes by me with one eye closed. Poor girl is sleeping. In her slumber she just goes around and around in that awfully small pool. Green algae on the walls, in tow other dolphins. Her skin looks good I noticed, no one is bullying her or raking her. She is a matriarch now in her young age as she seems to lead the others.

There are two dolphins playing and wanting to engage in sexual courtship. They just go around and around I don’t want to lose sight of them; I too go around. Deciding to go up top and watch them from the topside walking by aquariums full of jelly fish and a lonely puffer fish.

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Reaching the top, the pool has a dome cover I also see Mole and the motley crew of dolphins and of course Angel. I call out to them and to Angel.. Hi Angel! Angel proceeds to do a head stand and gives a fluke salute, half of her peduncle is out of the water. Amazed and heartbroken I shut off the camera and proceed to compose myself. Not wanting to let anyone to see me cry I look out toward the sea pens. Wipe my tears and continue. As we head out I say my good byes to the captives with apologies that we are trying to stop the heinous drives that brought them there. Passing through the building that housed the world’s smallest dolphin aquarium it is now closed. A great victory is felt, thanks to Enson Innoue that was able with his stardom to move Hope and Faith out to an outside bigger tank.

Rushing to get out I happen to notice a whale skeleton that is the gateway to the dolphin pens. Today was Maria Nangle’s last day in Japan and she needs to catch her train. We enter the car I proceed to have my cry. Taiji Whale Museum is filled with the souls of dolphins past and the souls of dolphins present crying out to feel freedom again. Tomorrow I too leave for home.
If you visit a dolphins show, your money and your cute family pictures with captive dolphins, is what continues to feed this giant.
We proceed to a quick visit Dolphin Base pens but the rains obstructed our views. Heavy rains are predicted during the day and for most nights in Japan. We huddle under a staircase, noticing the rain, coming in sideways from the coast. We decide to head back to the car. Dolphin Base was at the bottom of the hill and we had parked uphill. We race back up hill as water washed down we all got soaked to the bone.  May there be more rainy days to come in Taiji.

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The people of Japan are kind, helpful, and always ready to help foreigners. As I get ready to leave Taiji, on my 7th day after another blue cove in Taiji, Ric O’Barry takes me for a quick visit to the caves and hot springs at the Uroshima Hotel. The Uroshima Hotel is where Ric stays as it’s a peaceful place and the room are ryokan and he visits the hot springs often. It holds the record for having the longest escalator that takes you to the top on the mountain where a temple resides.
Heading back to the hotel, catch the last boat before they break for lunch bidding goodbye to my friend and mentor. He stays at the Uroshima.


Sulfur baths at the Uroshima Hotel

At the train station platform, we wait for my train that is soon to arrive giving one last hug to Terran, Tim, Kery, trying to hold back the tears we say goodbye. You build a special bond with those that you meet in Taiji. Terran and Tim took great care of all of the monitors visiting this trip and I’m very grateful for this, we laughed and kidded around feeling great acts of comrade.
Now I understand the sadness that all monitors feel when they leave this town and the people. Have we done enough? We will, when we get back to our respective homes. We will continue to stand up and speak out on behalf of the dolphins.
The beauty of Japan and her citizens stole a piece of my heart and my soul.

Sayonara, Nippon, Sayonara

Yours truly,
Barbara Napoles, Cove Monitor

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | August 15, 2015

14 days to Taiji – For the Dolphins

15 days toward Taiji

15 days toward Taiji


Firstly, I want to thank those that  have made this trip possible, two major contributors and great friends my rocks and support team, for without their actions this would not have gotten off the ground Mila De Mier and Cynthia St. Clair also to those that contributed on the Crowdrise and bought the “dolphin bracelet”. Sincere thanks to all of these great people:

Pedro Hernández Laura Lopez Wendy Fedyna Szakacs Patrick Rooney Donna Sall Joan Huddleston Bob Heisler Sarah Del Vecchio For The Love of The Dolphins – FLOD Shannon Johnson Richards Lisa Cunningham & Cheryl Cunningham Beth & Jennifer Wolfsong Niel Atkinson Linda O’Brien Paul Valero Mark Walker Liz Carter Terran Vincent Baylor Sandra M Vazquez Sharon Jack & Steve Jack Dorothy Rodgers Sophie Zhang Thomas Ponce Robin Black Walder (Blackbird Jewelry) Fatima Filgueira-Vichot Kirsten Massebeau Jamie Keller. Geragi Jeff and Animal Activists Network – AACTN, Doreen Michele Dupont  Kristen Larson, Becky Pustelnik PockeyCindy SeipTheLois Lane Jane Garsson Jackie Burson.

Many of you have expressed your concerns and are very worried about my presence in Taiji, how much it will affect me. I want to thank you all for this lovely concern but I want to assure you all that I have seen many horrors in my life time and though this may hurt me. Im not going to let it.


I can separate myself from the horror. Not going to let it perturb my psyche. I will not let it affect me in a negative way. On the contrary it will give me the energy to continue fighting for the dolphins.

For the past 5 years I have been at the cove from my home. Watched the boats go out on a daily basis and come back in to port banging when they have a pod.  I recognize the sound as if I already have done this before. Having witness the herding, the selection, the blood in the water. The screams from the fisherman, the callings from the dolphins. It is said that its not the same until you have been there in person. I will also let you know about that.

This may sound crazy to some but I had a very vivid dream and I saw myself in Japan. I walked through the streets and visited a bath house and I saw with detail my room.


Seen myself walking on the pebbles of the cove. Wondering if my friend Susan’s ashes are still resting there  or has the current taken them out to sea, just as the current cleanse the cove.  While at the beach I will commune with my daughters as her ashes are in the ocean and we had said to each other this is how we would communicate. Will she be amazed that I am speaking to her from Taiji? She’d be proud of me, deep in my heart I know she put her little hand in this.

I’ll light a candle in my daughters name Holly Carter and in Susan Mabe’s name.

The blood baths will soon began and I pray to those higher beings to please keep the angels of the sea free and  safe out in the ocean and not to let the blood of dolphins run in the water in the cove.

My plane ticket has been purchased and all hotel reservations done. Nervously waiting for the  day to board the plane.  Nachi FallsPlease make sure you to follow my “adventure in Japan”.  Follow Dolphin Talk Radio where I will try to give you daily updates and time to call in. (if possible) Dolphin Talk Radio on Blog Talk Radio 

Thank you all once again for your kind donation in these hard economic times. It was your donation that has made this happen. Thank you for being a great friend, for believing in me and wanting to put me as “Boots on the ground” in Taiji.

From the bottom of my heart. Thank you again.

Your friend,


Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | June 28, 2015

On the Road to Taiji -65 days left

65 days and counting!

65 days and counting!

June 27, 2015 ~ 65 days left to Taiji.

About ten years ago in 2005, there was a stranding in the Florida Keys of 80 rough-toothed dolphins years after my daughter’s passing. There was something in me that day when I heard the news that called out to me and made want to get back our into this world. After the loss of my young daughter depression was my friend and we lived in a dark abyss.

There was a young dolphin fighting to live, and that one dolphin, a young juvenile that had a great spirit and won my admiration for her. Her wild spirit showed me that I should try to rejoin the human race again.  I started on a new journey not only for self-preservation but preservation of our world resources and of her marine animal kingdom. You see I lived aboard a sailboat and loved sailing the Bahamas and had had a many wild dolphin encounters on my many voyages.


Young juvenile rough-tooth dolphin.


CNN cameras recording training on how to handle a stranded dolphin.

The fact that our oceans are dying, choking from the plastic pollution, oil pollution and being raped by over-fishing made me want to be a voice for the voiceless and here I am 10 years later on my way to Taiji, Japan.

Recently I visited Miami, had the opportunity to  visit  great friend and mentor; Ric O’Barry at this home in South Miami off the corner of “Richard O’Barry Drive.” Amazing right? He has his own street named after him. ricObarrydrive

Ric was waiting for my arrival while playing his beautiful blond Gibson guitar in a hammock under his carport. This Gibson guitar was autographed by Slash from the super-group “King of Chaos”  Ric’s carport is home to his orchid collection hanging there as the balmy tropical breeze coming off Biscayne Bay which keeps the carport cool.

king of chaos

O’Barry donated his vintage Mercedes Benz to National Public Radio. That old white Benz, spent more time under the car canopy that on the road since Ric is always traveling to help a dolphin or to speak to some dignitary about dolphinariums or marine theme parks and the harm of keeping captive dolphins. He rides his hybrid bicycle everywhere he told me. Sometimes he gets on the Metro-Dade Train (Metro-Rail) he and his bike ride the elevator up to the train platform and that’s how he commutes long distance. He even rides it to protests at Miami Seaquarium.

O’Barry is not leaving any carbon foot prints.

So we head inside as I had brought some books that he autographed for me. He wants to make sure that I can get the funding to be in Taiji this September. We speak about Taiji, the do’s and don’ts and it was informal interview to be a Cove monitor for #DolphinProject to which I am so proud to be part of that organization’s team.

Application to be a Cove Monitor

Application to be a Cove Monitor


The books donated by Ric.

We spoke about the Taiji campaign, a wonderful book that he is about to start reading, “Beneath the Surface” by John Hargrove. Sometimes he reads two books at once. Time didn’t stand still and I had to get back to my families “Pre-Father’s Day Extravaganza” but before I left he made sure that I had several more books to fund-raise with, and he proceeded to sign them.


A must read book “To Free a Dolphin”

We walked to his office in the bamboo garden out back, and as we are walking through his house to the back I happen to see a skateboard on his colorful and eclectic dining room table. A round glass pane on top of an antique Singer sewing machine, I asked him if he was now taking up skateboarding? He responds, “That is for my daughter Mai Li, her first skateboard.”Thinking to myself; I would like to see Mai Li’s face when O’Barry hands it to her. We walked back to his office and he hands me a handful of decals from Dolphin Project.


Image courtesy of Ric O’Barry

O’Barry lives a very simple lifestyle. His quaint home is very tropical and its the last of the original Florida houses from the 1930’s when Miami was a tropical retreat and the everglades ruled most of what is now South Florida. The remnants of the old  “Stiltsville”. The quaint life of fishing villages down in Virginia Key Beach, to the great Marjorie Stoneman Douglas,   great woman activist who’s whole life was the preservation of the “River of Grass” in the Everglades. She was a great role model of mine and a great friend of Ric O’Barry.

This visit takes me back to Miami in the 1960’s, it also reminds me of a little beach house I lived in most of my summers when I was young girl and still living in Cuba.

Beautiful wood work

Beautiful wood work.

So we head back out to the carport as I asked him to let me capture an image of him and a video strumming a few chords on his guitar. He is quite good! Heck, I can’t play a guitar but I admire anyone that does so.

It was nice to see a friend relaxing for a bit as I knew the minute I left he would be working and getting ready to go home to his family in Denmark. So we say our goodbyes and wished each other safe travels.

O’Barry was going home once again to be with his young daughter and his lovely Danish bride.

The three of them will travel from Copenhagen to Antibes, France where O’Barry will lead a huge protest at MarineLand with John Hargrove. MarineLand is considered the SeaWorld of Europe. They hold more killer whales than anyone else in Europe.

Ric is always so gracious.

He is the real deal.

See you in Taiji, Ric.

GodSpeed my friend~

Thanks for your friendship

Get up and keep going never give up.
Courtesy of Takayo Yamaguchi

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | June 15, 2015

On the Road to Taiji

77 days and counting

77 days and counting!

June 15, 2015 –  77 days and counting!

Sitting here thinking about the next step I will be taking in this adventure called life as an advocate for dolphins. Visiting Japan and Hawaii has always been a dream of mine (even as a child) and most definitely its been on my bucket list of places to visit.

I will be visiting both as there is a scheduled lay-over in Hawaii.

Some friends and my sister visited Japan and have fallen in love with the people, the culture, Mt. Fuji and Toto Toilets!

Yes you read that right TOTO TOILETS!!  There are western toilets and Japanese Squat toilets.


Did you know there is a certain bathroom etiquette for taking baths that is observed in Japanese homes?

“In Japan the main purpose of taking a bath, besides cleaning your body, is relaxation at the end of the day. The typical Japanese bathroom consists of two rooms, an entrance room where you undress and which is equipped with a sink, and the actual bathroom which is equipped with a shower and a deep bath tub. The toilet is almost always located in an entirely separate room.”

There are also bathroom slippers when using or prior to entering the bathroom suite. You must use these slippers while in the bathroom and then when you exit the bathroom you leave the slippers at the door.

toiletslippersNow you are all informed as I am about toilet etiquette in Japan!

This is one of my all time favorite Japanese songs interpreted by a wonderful cellist Yo Yo Ma, also Japanese. I love cherry blossom time “Sakura” and I cant wait to see the blossoms although I think that this may not be the time for them.

I can’t believe that in a few days, yes a few days, because time flies when you are having fun this great adventure is about to begin and I will be taking all of my great friends spirits with me in my heart that have made this possible for me.

Planning something.. Keep your eyes on the blog.

Now I’m here contemplating what clothes to take, shoes, etc. I have to constantly remind myself to breath because I can’t believe this is happening to me! But first I have to finish the Cove Monitor application.

Click to access Cove-Monitor-Program-App2014-15.pdf

Its going to be a very long wonderful exciting  trip.I believe that understanding the culture and the people of Japan is essential to making my trip.  Communication and education is the answer.

To all my friends and followers you will be with me every step of the way as we make this journey as a voice for dolphins.

Let’s get this adventure started already!

Follow me…”On the Road to Taiji”

For the Dolphins,

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | June 3, 2015


90DAYS2TAIJI                                                                             90 Days and counting!

1797411_3863445641538_1291394181_n(1)This poster reminds me daily that I must do something and be the voice for the voiceless. If it was not for my great friends,  my unsung heroes, that are helping to make this possible with their small donations or by purchasing a dolphin bracelet. 

Don’t think that I would be here writing this journal of my travel to Taiji.

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | December 31, 2014

The Year 2014 – Rewind


Here we are again, saying good- bye to 2014, a year filled with great accomplishments. Our great team of administrators has once again grown and in 2015 we are hoping for another great year with our new team for 2015. This year we are very proud to say that we have a new administrator, a Japanese activist; Takayo Yamaguchi.

admin team of STBd a

Takayo Yamaguchi brings us great energy and willingness to help to bring the change needed in Japan. We look forward to a great year with our new team in place.

Let’s start to rewind and highlight some of our accomplishments:

January 2014

This year we opted for a global Tweet storm on Twitter &  Facebook  event of our yearly “Positive Change for Taiji” on Friday, January 10th at 8pm.


1544316_639985509395665_1155701303_n(1)572 Stormers tweeted from 34 countries, approximately 14,260 tweets in 24 hours. One thing for sure is that we are consistent! Our invitation went out to 5.2K people.

February 2014

In February 6, 2014,  we joined forces with Miami Against Dolphin Slaughter in a protest in front of the Consulate of Japan.

Lighting up the World

March 2014


WAZA became the favorite word of the month. JAZA became the word of the month. Two words very  symbiotically that live synonymous of each other. This event finally was coming to fruition at the end of this month. Our wonderful administrator Mila DeMier corresponded from Gland.

Mila Demier reporting from the WAZA event.

Mila Demier reporting from the WAZA event. (Photo by Coco Meyer)

Finally, on March 28, 2013 our great event in Gland, Switzerland occurred. Read all about it here:

Contrary to believe, Facebook did some major event changes and two weeks after the event, the event module disappeared, thankfully there were blogs written and many images of this great event.  Great moments in activism history are still engraved in the bowels of Google.

May 2014

#Emptythetanks protest at SeaWorld, Orlando, Florida

say no to the show

Dolphins should not be made to perform. These pictures tell a story. Abused and dressed up. There is no such thing in the wild.

me and marissa

Then May came around and we embarked on another great Tweet-storm:


July 2014

Dolphin Talk Radio was founded July 7, 2014.  Check our page for up coming shows on Wednesdays, Starting January 2015.

Click on the image for Dolphin Talk Radio

Click on the image for Dolphin Talk Radio


Yet another wonderful storm. Our petition to the Mirage continues to gather signatures. Keep signing if you have not: We will continue to reopen this petition and keep the pressure up. We want shading for the dolphins! End of story!

Thunderclap for Mojave Dolphins

Thunderclap for Mojave Dolphins

August 2014

August 29th JDD2014 in Miami, and awesome event.

September 2014

Mila DeMier  and I bringing awareness to the masses.

The southernmost protest for Dolphins on Sept. 1, 2014. JDD2014

 December 2014

On December 14th Miami Against Dolphin Slaughter and Save the Blood Dolphins wanted to put some rumors at rest. Lolita’s Concrete Prison was getting a face lift. The floor of the first front row of seating are subjected to salt & chlorinated water when Lolita is made to spray the audience with her flukes.

Save the Blood Dolphins at the MSQ protest in December.

Save the Blood Dolphins at the MSQ protest in December.

And there you have more or less what our year has been like. We look forward to a better year of bringing awareness. We set the bar higher each year.

Thank you for your continued support through the last 5 years.  We will continue to fight for cetacean freedom!  The best is yet to come!

Bring it!

Bring it!

Posted by: Dolphinelle~Barbara Napoles | October 4, 2014

You will never know

No one knows who I really am.
You may think you do.
You really don’t.
A mother, grandmother
an aunt and a lover.

I’m a blogger, a curator of stories
Of images which I love to hoard
and quotes are my passion.

A poet of poems.
Fighter for the weak, the meek
a voice for the voiceless.
Finding justice for the wronged.

You think you know me
but you don’t.

You only know what I want you to know
My innermost thoughts,
will never be divulged.

My innermost fears,
you will never hear
for these truth you’ll use against me.

My knowledge is my years
that I have lived here,
on this plain we call Earth.

Of the tears shed
for the loves lost.
You think you know me?

Ha! You really have no clue.
A sharp tongue I carry
as my weapon of choice.

You think you know me?
You will never know.
© Dolphinelle 2014

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